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Tummy-Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Abdominoplasty, Tummy-Tuck, Skin Tightening Tummy-tuck (abdominoplasty) is a surgical procedure which involves the removal of excess fat and skin tissue around the abdomen and tightening of the connective tissue known as fascia with sutures in order to achieve a more firm and fit appearance. While definitely not being a method of weight loss, in ...   Get An Appointment

Tummy-Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Tummy-tuck (abdominoplasty) is a surgical procedure which involves the removal of excess fat and skin tissue around the abdomen and tightening of the connective tissue known as fascia with sutures in order to achieve a more firm and fit appearance. While definitely not being a method of weight loss, in some cases abdominoplasty can be performed in combination with liposuction for sculpting the region above the waist. In the end the appearance of wrinkles and cracks are decreased, sagging is mitigated and a better overall contour is achieved.

Abdominoplasty can help remove sagging that may appear after cases such as rapid weight loss or pregnancy.

Who Are Good Candidates For Tummy-Tuck?

Tummy-Tuck is often performed on individuals who have loose skin due to significant weight loss, pregnancy or aging. Since it is not a method for weight loss, patients who will undergo abdominoplasty are expected to be close to their ideal weight. Although tummy-tuck may seem like a sensible choice in patients with both excess weight and loose skin, in such cases the end results will not be satisfactory. In some cases where excess weight is less significant liposuction alone can be enough to achieve the desired look yet if the skin is folding in layers when in a forward bending position, liposuction will not improve the situation.

• Both men and women who are in overall good health can have tummy-tuck operation.

• Smoking should definitely be quit before considering a tummy-tuck.

As is the case in all cosmetic surgical procedures, candidates are expected to be in overall good health and it is very important to have a good understanding of the procedure and have realistic expectations.

Preparing For Tummy-Tuck

Depending on the overall condition of the candidate and the extent of the operation the surgeon will give instructions on how to prepare for the surgery. In general, keeping a well-balanced diet and having overall good circulatory health is paramount. Excessive diets before the surgery are not advised. Although cardiovascular exercises are recommended, strenuous muscle exercises should be quit a few days before the surgery to prevent additional soreness. Smoking and any nicotine products should definitely be quit well in advance.

As part of the preparation certain medications and dietary supplements may need to be quit for a certain period before the surgery. These are mostly blood thinning medications such as aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs. The surgeon will inform the patients on when they can resume the use of these depending on their recovery status.

Since patients will have limited mobility right after the surgery, someone should be present to drive them home and and help around in general. Having prepared a comfortable area at home and having someone to help with your needs is important since patients will have difficulty bending, lifting or standing for prolonged periods of time for a few days after the surgery.

How is Tummy-Tuck Performed?

Tummy tuck surgery is performed in a hospital operating room typically under general anesthesia. Surgical socks and blood thinning medications are used to mitigate the risk of clots forming in blood vessels.

While the exact approach will vary depending on the individuals condition and the expected end results, in a typical tummy-tuck procedure the surgeon will make incisions around and under the belly button in order to be able to remove the excess fat and skin. The extent and the shape of the incisions will be determined by the amount of excess tissue. After the removal of fat and skin, the fascia will be tightened and then the remaining skin will be shaped and fixed in place with sutures.

The extent and the shape of the incisions will be determined by the amount of excess tissue.

After Tummy-Tuck Surgery & Recovery

Immediately after the surgery the operated areas of the abdomen will be stitched and bandaged with a firm, elastic band that promotes proper healing. Drains will be placed to collect blood and liquid usually up to 3 to 5 days after surgery.

It will feel more comfortable in a slightly forward bent position up to a week after the surgery. Although this position may be uncomfortable for some patients with back problems, while resting in bed it is required to be lying down on an incline, back side down and with bent knees for proper recovery.

Antibiotic medication is used usually up to a week after the procedure.

Any strenuous exercise needs to be avoided for 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery. The surgeon will advise patients on the allowed the level of physical activities as they go through the healing process.

In most cases patients can go back to work one week after the surgery.

The usual side effects after the procedure are scars and numbness around the incisions. The numbness will typically subside to a point but there will always be some remaining insensitivity. It will usually take up to a year for the scars to settle on their final look and they may not always be completely symmetrical in appearance.

Although much more rare, slow healing, bleeding, blood clots and liquid build-up (seroma) are among more serious complications. Infections are also very rare.

Feel free to call us or fill-in our contact forms to ask us any question and visit our clinic in İstanbul to meet us and learn about the treatments you are considering.

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